Tuesday, November 4, 2008

November 4, 2008 The Ultimate Disapointment

See if I haven't said this yet... I am 38 almost 39 weeks pregnant. Not only have I been completely miserable all day, my candidate whom I woke up at 5AM to go vote for didn't win the election which is a huge bummer but not what I am writing about right now. My hubbster told me that again I am being screwed out of another Marine Corps Ball. Why? Because my hubbster's Gunny dosen't want me to go because I might go into labor while there. I am SO upset and disapointed about that because every year I do a LOT more than any other wife to help the boys celebrate the Birthday and many other holidays. This year may be the first year I don't bake my legendary Red Velvet Cupcakes with Gold Icing with the red sprinkles, or send pumpkin and pecan tassies for thanksgiving or christmas cookies to the shop and drop some off for the MPs that work the gate. Aparently I am not wanted and not a part of their Corps. Which is fine because I am just a wife, but if they don't want me arround I will make sure I am COMPLETELY out of their way. Yes I am more than a little hurt and bitter at this point about it, but for all I do to make their lives better (including homecooked meals once a paycheck for the single guys at my expense) one would think they wouldn't ask me to not be at the ball after having been married for 3 years and never getting to go because of unfortunate circumstances. I was in emergency surgery my first try, got food poisoning the day before my second, and now I am pregnant which is aparently a communciable disease. I know that every year people tell me that the whole thing sucks and its "sO over raited" but I wish I could decide that for myself.

I wish I could even think about something that I may have said or done to deserve ALL this today/at all. But I can't think of anything, and trust me I am VERY creative when it comes to things like this. I should even have positive karmah going right now because I taylored like 4 ladies dresses for this ball (that I am now not going to be going to) FOR FREE. Granted, it was just hemming and simple things like that because that is all I have the equiptment to do but I saved these girls like $40 a piece.

I have looked forward to going to this stupid thing for 3 years. I just want to dance with my hubbster. Is that so much to ask?

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